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  • Writer's picturemorganwylie

Havenwood Falls Peace Ceremony!!

From the publisher...

For our first-ever event, co-hosted with Havenwood Falls Book Club, we will be raising the energy of peace and healing for ourselves, our communities, and our world. Our goal is to virtually bring together as many people as possible from around the planet, turning our collected focus on a single topic: peace. We need it. Our world needs it. Imagine dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people spread throughout the world, all of us at the same time directing our minds, hearts, and souls on this one wish for the planet. Energy spreads in waves, and the ripple effect of this kind of energy raised at once could be amazing. We want to be the light. We hope you do, too.

This event is inspired by the Havenwood Falls Short Story Anthology 2021, with its theme of peace. You can order the Magic of Peace book box with everything you need specially made for the ceremony plus the book signed by all nine authors here: If you want yours in time for the ceremony, order soon!

What you will need ~ yourself and access to the Facebook event.

What you might want ~ the tools from the book box or bring your own: a candle; a soothing beverage; crystal(s) with properties of peace, harmony, and balance; a piece of paper and pen.

We are grateful for everyone who wants to join this. The more people who do, the more magical peace we can raise. Please feel free to invite anyone who you think would love to be a part of this.

Blessings of Starlight & Moonbeams

To read (or see) more about the book box see my previous post HERE!!

~Morgan Wylie

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